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Munro Partners YouTube

May 6, 2024

The Climate Series


Munro Partners

The Climate Series: The Investment Opportunity

May 6 2024

In this introductory video to our Climate Series, Partner & Portfolio Manager James Tsinidis, explains how Munro sees the decarbonisation investment opportunity. He touches on the 3 tailwinds for growth; governments, corporates and investors and their combined efforts towards net zero.

The Climate Series: Strategic positioning to capture the investment opportunity

May 21 2024

In this instalment of the Climate Series, James Tsinidis expands on how our Climate Change Leaders portfolio is structured to capture the climate change investment opportunity best.

The Climate Series: Under the radar

May 24 2024

In this edition of the Climate Series, which focuses on the Circular Economy sub-AoI, James Tsinidis explores companies that might not be immediately recognised as contributors to decarbonisation and highlights their role as facilitators in the process.

The Climate Series: Clean Energy

May 28 2024

Clean Energy is more than just renewable energy. As part of the Climate Series, James Tsinidis, discusses the types of companies we're focusing on that sit within the Clean Energy sub-AoI.

The Climate Series: What’s happening with Clean Transport?

May 31 2024

Clean Transport is another sub-AoI in the Climate Change Leaders Fund. In this video, James Tsinidis discusses why this area is under pressure and why we are avoiding this thematic for the time being.

The Climate Series: What would a Trump presidency mean for investing in climate?

June 5 2024

The US election is going to dominate headlines throughout the latter part of this year. What effect, will the election have on the decarbonisation sector? In this video, James Tsinidis discusses the potential positive and negative consequences that a Trump presidency may have on this market.

The Climate Series: The role of active management in this thematic

June 13 2024

In this instalment of the Climate Series, James Tsinidis talks to the performance of the Munro Climate Change Leaders fund and details the importance of being an active manger to take opportunities within numerous pockets of growth and avoid some areas of difficulty.

The Climate Series: Why this co-lead is excited by decarbonisation

June 19 2024

To close out the Climate Series, James Tsinidis dives into why he is excited about the decarbonisation investment opportunity in the months and years ahead. From companies flying under the radar to current market leaders, James elaborates on the diverse opportunities they present.

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